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Rice from India

IR 64 parboiled rice

IR 64 IR-64 parboiled rice is a variation of IR-64 rice that has undergone the parboiling process. Parboiling is a method of processing rice in which the raw grains are pre-soaked, steamed under pressure and then dried. This process changes the starch structure in the grains, making them more nutritious and providing a firm texture after cooking. IR-64 Parboiled rice often retains some of the bran, giving it a darker color. It is also known for its resistance to warping during cooking, making it a popular choice in many kitchens.


Humidity ≤ 14%

Inclusions ≤ 0,2%

Aflatoxin ≤ 50ppb

Yellow rice ≤ 1%

The color and shine inherent in broken rice

Normal smell

No particular smell

Av length of grain - 5.90-6.00 mm

Broken - 5%, 15%, 25%

Consumption: Human

Origin: India